Pro-Change is one of 80 Small Business Innovation Research grant recipients
to qualify for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) CommercializationAssistance Program (CAP).

Seasoned companies like Pro-Change, with more established commercialization experience, but facing complex business strategic challenges, are eligible to receive CAP guidance. Emerging companies are also eligible.

Pro-Change will receive help with commercializing it’s evidence-based program, Teen Choices: A Program for Healthy, Nonviolent Relationships, a
computer-administered multi-media program designed to help youth develop and use healthy relationship skills to prevent dating abuse (if dating), or peer abuse or bullying (if not dating).

CAP, during its free 9-month assistance, will identify and connect Pro-Change with key customers, articulate the highest and best use of their innovative solutions, and build sustainable pathways to revenue and continuing relevance.